Fortis Wealth Management Weekly Insights-12/8/2016

Hope you are all having a great week and staying warm for those in the Seattle area! Here is what we are reading this week.

Personal Finance:

1. The Rational Walk: Tweet


1. Bloomberg: Inside a Money Making Machine Like No Other

2. Collaborative Fund: Sustainable Sources of Competitive Advantage

3. IP Capital Partners: 3rd Quarter Report

4. Houston Chronicle: As OPEC Pulls Back, a Long Road Back for US Frackers

5. NY Times: Enron Still Matters, 15 Years After It's Collapse

6. Micro Cap Club: Chris Mayer on 100 Baggers

Fun Reads:

1. Puget Sound Business Journal: Facebook Doubles Seattle Footprint

Hope you enjoy!



The Simple Path to a Comfortable Retirement


Fortis Wealth Management Weekly Insights- 12/1/2016