Setup A Business Brokerage Account in Seattle
Business Brokerage Account Setup Overview
A Business Brokerage account is the same as an individual brokerage account and is used to save after tax income. A brokerage account can be invested in any type of security (stock, bonds, options, etc.). The cash is available at any time with no limits and or fines for "early withdrawal". This money is the owner's with no employee participation.
Primary Business Brokerage Account User
Businesses that want a full brokerage account for investing company assets
Business Brokerage Account Advantages
Money invested is not locked up until retirement age, easily accessible
Wide range of investment options
Who Can Contribute To A Business Brokerage Account?
2023 Employer Contribution Limits
2023 Employee Contribution Limits
N/A, these investments are the owner's
Admin Responsibilities
None, outside of investment earnings to the business taxed as appropriate
Access to Assets
No restrictions
Plan Set up Deadlines